Saturday, June 21, 2014

11 weeks part 2

Here is a picture from 10 weeks---I look pretty much the same as before I was pregnant, so I'll probably hold off on lots of pictures until I start getting a bump! I am READY for a bump (I know, i'll regret saying that in about 6 months!). But I am excited to feel my baby move around my belly and let strangers know without me having to say anything! I haven't bought any maternity clothes yet, but my clothes aren't really getting tight. I don't feel very different from pre-pregnancy, thankfully! I am hoping I can still wear all of my clothes until at least 16-20 weeks. I will probably have to pull out the hairband trick soon, and maybe get a belly band or something. So far, so good. At the end of the day when I'm really bloated, I have to unbutton my pants, they are soooo uncomfortable! Ready for a belly!

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